Cooperation between the EU and EaP States 10 Years Later: What Lies Ahead?: Page 5 of 7

23 Сентября, 2019

organization. I don’t think that this will directly affect the policy of the EaP, but in the long run, we might have to expect increased Russian influence in individual EU countries, which can ultimately lead to an undermined state and erosion of the Eastern Partnership.

Ivlian Haindrava – The factor (of Russia - Editor) intensified many times, and the Ukrainian events of 2014 are the main (but not the only) evidence of this. Even before Ukraine, there was a 180-degree turn of the course taken by the Armenian leadership (exactly six years ago); the reversal, as I think, was not entirely voluntary. I understand that I can formally object that they mean the EaP, and not association with the EU and other modes of European integration, but it’s clear that the essence is the same.
But the strengthening role of Russia manifested itself in different ways: Russia incorporated Armenia into the Eurasian structures "subordinate" to it, but Ukraine moved far from it abruptly and very distantly (mentally, at least). Russia’s return to the Council of Europe is just another blow to the image (and not only) and the prestige of Europe. Again, I am not inclined to exaggerate the significance and capabilities of this institution (CE), but the fact of the reinstitution of the Russian Federation is perceived as an indulgence to the Kremlin for all its revenge-seeking antics. It seems to be a retreat before brute force and a violation of all declared values and principles ...

Arif Mammadov – I am not inclined to exaggerate the importance of the Council of Europe and I do not believe that Russia's membership to this organization is a carte blanche given by the West. First of all, the restoration of membership of the Russian delegation is for the West one of the few levers of influence on Russia. In addition, the financial situation of the CoE leaves much to be desired. Considering that Russia's contribution to the organization’s budget is quite significant, the CoE might have gone bankrupt without additional financial support. Unfortunately, the attitude of the EU towards the Council of Europe leaves much to be desired. The caviar diplomacy scandal revealed only a small part of the corruption iceberg in the Council of Europe and gave a significant blow to the image of this organization. If the Council of Europe does not take additional steps, the corruption network will be just as easily restored, especially given the fact that many people who were involved and actively participated in these processes from the Secretariat and CoE structures are still there.

What's Next? Probable Prospects for the Development of the EU Policy towards EaP Countries

Boris Navasardyan – ... When faced with many challenges, the EU countries will consider it necessary to limit external expansion (in the good sense of the word) and devote the next five-year period to internal mobilization to restore strength. This may mean a different perception of the world around us as not an object where you create ones of your own kind, but only as partners for solving



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