"Public Dialogues" for Communication between Armenian and Azerbaijani Specialists

About the Project

The project was aimed at the continuation of professional communication between Armenian and Azerbaijani specialists (journalists, human rights activists, political scientists, etc.) on the Armenian-Azerbaijani website www.publicdialogues.info.
Within the framework of the project analytical reports on topical issues in Armenia and Azerbaijan were prepared by Armenian and Azerbaijani authors, including the Karabakh conflict, international online conferences with the participation of Armenian and Azerbaijani experts and specialists from other countries on topical issues related to the regional processes were organized.

Partner: Institute for Peace and Democracy.

Duration: May - September 2018

Support: Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST) of the G.Marshall Fund



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"Region" Research Center

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The new version of the website was created with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED).