Three Attempts of European Integration

Introduction. L.Baghdasaryan,
Yerevan, Research Center "Region", 2005
216 pages
The way to European integration: How do the countries of the South Caucasus see it? Is there any alternative to this way; will Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia take this road together or separately; what attitude towards the process of European integration societies and political parties of the South Caucasus countries have? Leaders of political parties, experts and analysts from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia try to answer these and other questions related to issues of integration into the European structures.
This publication is prepared in the framework of project ՛՛The Caucasus ՛՛Way to Europe՛՛: Three Attempts to European Integration” with assistance of the delegation of European Commission in Georgia and Armenia (Yerevan office).
The book is in Russian and English.
Introduction: L. Baghdasaryan
Editor: A. Khechoyan
Translation onto English: K. Soghikyan
Design: S. Faramazyan
Interviews of the leaders of the political parties were conducted by:
N. Melkumyan – in Armenia
H. Salmanov – in Azerbaijan
N. Argutinskaja – in Georgia