Possibilities and Understanding of the Karabakh Conflict Resolution 25 Years after the Ceasefire : Page 5 of 10

a victory. Yerevan will achieve what it has been afterfor many years already. However, this will be the case at first glance only. Indeed, in the case of such a scenario, it will be difficult or almost impossible to say that the interests of Karabakh Armenians are not being taken into account. Baku will have an opportunity to oppose: we have opened up the possibility of involving the Karabakh people. Hence, time has come for substantial talks. However, the Armenian party does not have any willingness to approach the essence of the negotiations. Therefore, I draw your attention to some dividends Azerbaijan can extract from such a scenario.

Arif Yunusov – As my colleagues have already noted, everything is fine in its due time. Yes, certainly the Karabakh party took an active part when a decision on a ceasefire was being made back in 1994. That is right. But the impulse set at that time did not have a continuation ... And it was even more naive to expect that IlhamAliyev would hasten to agree with Pashinyan’s proposal, which is supported by many people abroad, and even in the Azerbaijani society. Aliyev’s image is clearly different and he is losing to Pashinyan in this matter on all possible points. In this regard, Sargsyan as a figure was very convenient for Aliyev.

Here is my opinion on this issue: I have always believed and I do still believe that from the very beginning Azerbaijan should have held an active dialogue with the Karabakh Armenians. And without any mediators. This is still the domestic conflict of Azerbaijan. But the decision to change the format and to transfer it onto the Baku-Yerevan plane was a mistake made by Azerbaijan and the mediators who agreed with it. But I try to look at problems pragmatically and today all these points belong to history. It is all in the past. Today, the official Baku is categorically against the participation of Karabakh Armenians in the negotiations. Rather, he believes that the Karabakh authorities will definitely be involved, but only when the Great Peace Agreement is signed and the implementation stage is launched. At that time, before the final settlement of Karabakh’s status it will be necessary to give the Karabakh authorities a temporary interim status, because a lot of things in the region will have to be implemented jointly with them (the return of the refugees, infrastructure rehabilitation, etc.). This is the position of Azerbaijan today. And this has to be considered. I agree with Sergey Markedonov that with a more subtle game, Azerbaijan could extract many dividends for itself if Karabakh Armenians participated in the negotiation process. But...

Alexander Iskandaryan - Azerbaijan will not negotiate with any KarabakhArmenians. Pashinyan will not refuse the negotiations. He will keep, from time to time, say things about who elected him, and who did not. Negotiations will continue, they will not be substantive. As was the case in all previous years ... In my opinion, it is impossible to equalize the Armenians of Karabakh and the Azerbaijani refugees. Karabakh Armenians are


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